Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Casual pay rate boost for WA Local Government award

The Western Australian Industrial Relations Commission has issued a General Order which increases the casual loading to 25% for all local government and private sector awards that currently have a casual loading below 25%, effective from 26 April.

The order will increase pay rates for some casual employees who are covered by WA awards that do not currently require a 25% loading to be paid to casual employees.

Key WA awards impacted by this General Order include:

  • Local Government Officers Award
  • Municipal Employees Award
  • Hair and Beauty Industry (WA) Award
  • Building Trades and Labourers (Construction) Award
  • Building Trades and Labourers (General) Award
  • Social and Community Services (WA) Interim Award
  • Children’s Services (Private) Award
  • Contract Cleaners Award
  • Transport Workers (General) Award
  • Security Officers Award

Pay rates in WA awards that currently require a 25% loading for casual employees are not changing. Key WA awards that are not impacted by the General Order are:

  • Restaurant, Tearoom and Catering Workers Award
  • Shop and Warehouse (Wholesale and Retail Establishments) Award
  • Metal Trades (General) Award)
  • Clerks (Commercial, Social and Professional Services) Award.

New versions of the Wageline WA award summaries with the new casual pay rates incorporating the 25% casual loading are currently being prepared and will be published in early April.

The casual loading clauses in the WA awards that are impacted by the General Order are not being directly amended at this time. The requirement to provide a 25% casual loading in the General Order will override any award provisions that provide a lower percentage casual loading.

On 31 January, the casual loading on the State Minimum Wage increased from 20% to 25%. Since that date the minimum casual rate for all adult employees (21 or over) in the state system has been $30.22 per hour and the rates payable to some WA award casual employees increased on 31 January 2025 as a result. 

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