Vandals have caused considerable damage to environmentally significant Melaleuca trees along the Shoal Point foreshore, Mackay Regional Council has reported.
In all, 11 trees were damaged, with three trees, including one cluster, being removed completely in the attacks.
Deputy Mayor Karen May said the damage to the foreshore vegetation was classified as “extremely significant” and Council would deliver the full weight of its vegetation vandalism policy to remedy the damage.
“This is a real shame – those Melaleuca trees are iconic to Shoal Point and are very, very old,” Councillor May said.
“It looks as if someone has used a chainsaw to clear the view of the beach, and in doing so have removed several trunks and major limbs, which will leave those surviving trees susceptible to disease,” she said.
“We will be replanting the area at a rate of three-to-one, meaning 33 new plants for that location, and we will be installing a 1800 by 3600 millimetre billboard sign to educate the public on the importance of our coastal vegetation.”
Development Compliance officers are currently investigating a registered complaint in the area. As part of the investigation, they interviewed the adjacent developer, however no evidence was obtained to assist with the vegetation vandalism investigation, Council said in a statement.
Also at Shoal Point, Council says a group of at least 10 trees look to have been poisoned in front of Belangason Way.
“Council will be replanting the area at a rate of two-to-one (20 plants) and, because of the remoteness of the location and time since the suspected poisoning, a medium sized educational sign (600mm x 900mm) will be installed,” it said.
Anyone with evidence or information relating to these acts of vegetation vandalism is encouraged to contact council’s Health and Regulatory team on 1300 MACKAY (622 529).