Preparatory works to widen Tweed Coast Road to four lanes ahead of anticipated population growth on the coast have begun, with projects to install underground infrastructure underway, Tweed Shire Council has announced.
Tweed Coast Road is the main arterial road servicing the Tweed Coast community, which is forecast to grow significantly over the next 30 years with the release of urban land at Kings Forest and West Kingscliff.
Council’s Acting Director of Engineering, Danny Rose said demand for travel on Tweed Coast Road was expected to almost double by 2041, necessitating the need for plans to be put in place for future upgrades.
“The widening of Tweed Coast Road to 4 lanes is essential to cater for the growing population in the area and to keep this road safe and efficient as traffic increases,” he said.
“Along with the much-needed new housing stock comes new business and commercial centres, tourism opportunities and health, recreation and community facilities.
“We are already well advanced in planning for the necessary road upgrades, as well as the services needed to support 15,000 new people over the next 30 years, as required to meet State Government planning strategies.
“Accordingly, new sewerage, water and electricity infrastructure needs to be provided within the road corridor. These projects will be staged over several years and will cost many millions of dollars.”
The 2017 Tweed Road Development Strategy identified the upgrade of Tweed Coast Road between the Pacific Motorway (M1) at Chinderah and Casuarina Town Centre (Grand Parade) as a priority arterial road project for the Tweed.

The four-lane widening of the 6.1 km section of road is estimated to cost $55 million and will be undertaken in six sections as identified in the proposed concept masterplan. This will be undertaken in a north to south direction as funding becomes available. Funding will be sourced from developer contributions, works in kind by developers, and government grants.
“We have already completed several major works as part of the Tweed Coast Road upgrade project including the construction of a new sewer rising main along Tweed Coast Road from Casuarina to Cudgen Creek bridge,” Mr Rose said.
“Works began recently to install more than 2 km of sewer rising main between Old Bogangar Road and Cudgen Road. These will ensure reliable sewer infrastructure to the area and service Kings Forest.”
Mr Rose called on the community to exercise patience and factor in additional time to their journeys as they travel along Tweed Coast Road in coming months, with these works expected to be completed by April 2022.
“Unfortunately road delays are unavoidable and some temporary road closures will be required to allow our crews and machinery enough space to work safely,” he said.
Further stages of the Tweed Coast Road upgrade are imminent and will also cause traffic disruptions. These include:
- Upgrading of the Cudgen Road signalised intersection by NSW Health Infrastructure in 2022 as part of the Tweed Valley Hospital development.
- A new roundabout intersection will be constructed at the entrance to Kings Forest as part of plans to kick-off this major residential subdivision project.
- Under-boring for a new seawater pipeline from Kingscliff beach to the Australian Bay Lobster Producers aquaculture farm at Chinderah (private contractors).
- Under-boring for electrical services along Cudgen Road for the new hospital.
“Traffic delays will be ongoing and impact various parts of Tweed Coast Road over the next few years,” Mr Rose said.
“These works generally cannot be done outside of peak times or at night due to safety, cost and productivity issues. We will endeavour to keep these delays to 5 –10 minutes, however during peak times these disruptions may be longer.
“We are asking residents to avoid peak times and take an alternative route where possible. Allow additional time to get to your destination safely. If you must take Tweed Coast Road, we ask for your patience and thank you for your understanding as we complete these essential major projects.”