Thursday, February 20, 2025

Rockhampton council drives road safety message

Rockhampton Regional Council is reminding all road users to drive smarter, be more patient and put safety first this Queensland Road Safety Week, which starts today.

The state-wide initiative, held from 21-25 August, is an opportunity for all Queenslanders to lead the way in making our roads safer.

Infrastructure Councillor, Ellen Smith (pictured) said road safety starts with local residents and Queensland Road Safety Week was a great opportunity to make a positive difference during the week and beyond.

“For many, the impact of road trauma is far-reaching, from losing a loved one, being injured, healing and rehabilitation, and recovery. However, we all can play a part in reducing and eliminating road crashes,” Cr Smith said.

“We know road trauma has a ripple effect and affects many in our community in different ways and that’s why Council throws it’s support behind this campaign.

“Take this as an opportunity to remind yourself, your loved ones and your children to drive smarter, be more patient and put safety first, because everyone has the right to get home safely.

“Behave as though each person sharing the road with you is someone you care about.”

Tragically, in 2022, 52 people died on roads in the Central Region, representing 17.5% of the 2022 Queensland lives lost.

Of those, four people died on roads in the Rockhampton Regional Council Local Government Area.

In Queensland, 297 people were killed on the state’s roads and around 8,000 were seriously injured.

Councillor Smith said these statistics reflect the sobering importance of road safety, and the need for drivers to be mindful the ‘Fatal Five’ when behind the wheel.

“If we all lead by example, the number of deaths and injuries on our roads will decrease,” Cr Smith said. 

“Council will be showing support for Road Safety Week with Quay Street turning yellow during the week.” 

Queensland Road Safety Week is a Queensland Government initiative, delivered annually in partnership with the Department of Transport and Main Roads and Queensland Police Service. 

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