Penrith City Council is urging staff and local residents to drop off unwanted phones and chargers for donation to DV Safe Phone, a registered charity dedicated to providing a lifeline for anyone dealing with domestic violence.
The phones will be refurbished and distributed to government agencies and support services that gift them to victims.
Penrith Mayor, Tricia Hitchen, this week encouraged staff and residents to donate a device to aid the vulnerable, unsafe community members who need urgent access to support.
“There were 1,077 reported instances of domestic violence in the Penrith Local Government Area in 2022 alone which proves domestic and family violence does not discriminate and the issue is impacting our community,” Mayor Hitchen said.
“We all have a drawer at home filled with old technology – that unused phone might be what your friend, relative or neighbour needs to call emergency services or a support network when they plan to escape domestic violence,” she said.
“I am proud of our Council for continuing to be proactive in this space and I encourage everyone, from our staff to our many residents, to help save another by dropping off a phone at one of our collection points.”
Penrith City Council endorses a zero-tolerance approach to any form of violence, bullying or harassment in or outside the organisation.
As an accredited and practicsing White Ribbon Workplace that supports gender equality and champions a culture of respect, Council’s policy incorporates Domestic Violence Leave to support staff.
Earlier in May, which is Domestic and Family Violence Prevention Month, Penrith’s Mayoral Charity Ball raised $60,000 for The Haven – Nepean Women’s Shelter.
DV Safe Phone CEO, Ashton Wood said Penrith was one of the first councils in the state to be supporting the organisation’s work, which has seen more than 5,000 phones delivered to domestic violence victims in three years.
“We are proud to partner with Penrith City Council. Having organisations like them collect phones on our behalf is vital to the service we provide,” Mr Wood said.
“We encourage everyone to drop their old phones into their office and help ensure that no call for help goes unheard. Your old phone could save a life of a victim of domestic violence here in Australia.”
To see where your nearest collection box is, visit
To find out more about the organisation Council is supporting, go to