Saturday, February 15, 2025

New $10m waste transfer station opens at Hazelmere

The Eastern Metropolitan Regional Council’s (EMRC) Hazelmere Resource Recovery Park entered a new phase today with the official launch of the new Waste Transfer Station (WTS).

The opening ceremony was attended this morning by the Member of the Legislative
Assembly of Western Australia, Cassie Rowe MLA, at the EMRC Hazelmere Resource Recovery Park.

Council says the purpose of constructing a fit-for-purpose Waste Transfer Station is to provide suitable facilities to accept, bulk and transfer waste to the future Waste to Energy Facility at East Rockingham RRF and the Red Hill Waste Management Facility (Red Hill), ensuring operational efficiencies for the acceptance and transfer of municipal solid waste (MSW) and Food Organics and Garden Organics (FOGO) material from member councils, other councils and commercial waste from private industry, operations on the premises and non-recyclables from the CRC.

It said the design provides a streamlined site layout that supports safe and efficient operations.

“Bulking up the transfer of waste reduces the number of small trucks transporting waste, thus reducing emissions and easing road congestion,” the Council said in a statement.

The capital cost for the project was around $10 million. The construction of the WTS was completed this week, with operations commencing from today.

“The Waste Transfer Station is another major example of community-owned resource recovery infrastructure which will enable the EMRC to capture, consolidate, divert and convert waste material into valuable commodities as well as reducing truck movements and therefore reducing emissions and traffic congestion,” said EMRC CEO, Marcus Geisler.

“Our new facility has the capacity to transfer up to 230,000 tonnes of MSW, C&I and FOGO material per annum from communities and commercial entities in Perth’s Eastern Region.

“We look forward to welcoming new customers to the facility and exploring added services to benefit our region.”

Founded in 1983, the EMRCis a regional local government representing the interests of four member Councils located in Perth’s Eastern Region: the Town of Bassendean, the City of Bayswater, the Shire of Mundaring and the City of Swan.

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