Monday, February 10, 2025

Former PM helps Liverpool fire up Australia Day awards BBQ

Liverpool celebrated Australia Day by firing up the barbie in Bigge Park, welcoming new citizens and conferring honours on residents who are making amazing contributions to the city.

Liverpool Mayor, Ned Mannoun said the city celebrated its diverse multiculturalism in many ways, but especially by uniting to celebrate “the best country in the world, Australia”.

“Australia Day is not about the nation, it is about the people who make the nation,” he said.

“It is a land of opportunities that welcomes new residents from all nations and gives them a safe and harmonious place to live.”

Former Prime Minister Tony Abbot, State MP Tina Ayyad and Federal MP Dai Le at the Citizenship Ceremony.

Australia Day Ambassador Lottie Dalziel warmly welcomed the new citizens and former Prime Minister Tony Abbott joined the celebrations, telling the new citizens they had made the right choice.

Liverpool City Council awarded eight Australia Day awards, in recognition of some significant contributors to Liverpool.

“All those who have received awards have collectively donated hundreds of hours to the community and have made Liverpool a better place to be. That’s why we have recognised them,” Mannoun said.

Both Mayor Mannoun and Mr Abbot then got behind the barbeque and served free sausages to those who attended the citizenship and award ceremony in the morning.

In the evening, thousands celebrated Australia Day in Bigge Park where they grazed on delicious variations of established dishes plus some exciting new ones, including food from Mexico, the Philippines, Bolivia, and the Balkans. Entertainment and live music ran from 5pm until 8pm as a lead-in to the movie – the comedy Kangaroo Jack.

Australia Day Ambassador Lottie Dalziel, Citizen of the Year Malcolm Johnson and Mayor Ned Mannoun.

This year, Liverpool’s Citizen of the Year award went to Malcolm Johnson.

In a statement, the Council outlined Mr Johnson’s dedicated work in the community.

“He has dedicate thousands of hours of his time in the search for missing persons. He has continually advanced his training and knowledge by becoming a Lost Person Behaviour Instructor and a CASA certified remote pilot,” Council said.

He also regularly utilises his skills to assist the community and support other not-for-profit organisations such as the Australian Civil Air Patrol.

Australia Day Ambassador Lottie Dalziel, Senior Citizen of the Year Award winner Bruce Clark, and Mayor Ned Mannoun.

Bruce Clark was named Liverpool’s Senior Citizen of the Year.

Mr Clark has volunteered in the local community for Search Dogs Sydney and the NSW SES for over a decade. He has dedicated hundreds of hours to assisting his community in times of disaster, maintaining the facilities for the dogs, undertaking canine search and recovery training and being a proactive contributor to public education campaigns. It should also be noted that he cooks a mean sausage sizzle, the Council said in a statement following Mr Clark’s award presentation.

Mayor Ned Mannoun, Arts and Culture Award winner Lexie Carroll and Australia Day Ambassador Lottie Dalziel.

The remaining Australia Day honours went to:

Young Citizen of the YearFariha Dean

Fariha Dean is the current chairperson of the Liverpool Youth Council and was the driving force behind Liverpool Council’s very successful Year 12 – HSC Tutoring program that was held in the Yellamundie Library. Fariha worked as an Academic Coach at Amity College where she played a pivotal role in supporting senior students, especially those from low socioeconomic backgrounds.

Small Business AwardPhysiofit

This small business started in Moorebank over 30 years ago. It sponsors many clubs and community organisations and regularly visits elders’ groups such as Liverpool/Fairfield Legacy Widows Club, giving free exercise lessons and help with mobility and other disorders. Physiofit sponsors Lifeline Macarthur and Western Sydney, the Ingham Centre International Women’s Day Function and Liverpool Community Kitchen to name a few.

Fraser Environment AwardSewa Australia Inc, Sahyadi Sydney and Friends of India Australia

Sewa Australia Inc, Sahyadri Sydney and Friends of India Australia joined together to launch the “Respectful Devotion, Responsible Immersion” program, aimed to minimise the environmental impact of idol submersion through responsible, eco-friendly practices.

A temporary pond was installed at Haigh Park that enabled the immersion of 150 ecofriendly idols and prevented over 100 kilos of clay and 500 kilos of organic waste from entering local waterways. This was managed by a team of volunteers.

Health AwardDr Glen Schlaphoff

Dr Schlaphoff is the Director of International Radiology at Liverpool Hospital and has held this position for the last 23 years. His commitment to the Liverpool Community is evident in his ongoing push to offer the best healthcare services available. His passion and drive have seen cutting edge equipment recently installed at Liverpool Hospital, guaranteeing more effective and efficient procedures for patients and delivering quality health services to our community.

Sports AwardAryan Narayan

All Saints Catholic College Liverpool year eight student Aryan Narayan is a rising star goalball player. He has achieved extraordinary success representing NSW at the national goalball championship in Perth. His team won the national championship and Arayan won the all-star medal for top scorer of the tournament.

Arts and Cultural AwardLexie Carroll

Aunty Lexie is a Wiradjuri women living on country. She is an active member in many First Nation groups; her forthright approach is well known, and her reconciliation, engagement and directions are very important in these times.

She is a founding member of the Elders Coffee Club and shows ongoing commitment to supporting First Nations business, offering Acknowledgement to Country, pushing yarning circles and staying committed to the local First Nations community.

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