Monday, February 10, 2025

Dubbo Council scholarship winner a leader in her field

Dubbo Regional Council staff member, Kerryann Stanley, has been named as a successful recipient of the Councillor Pat Dixon Memorial Scholarship for 2021.

Councillor Pat Dixon was the first Aboriginal woman elected to Local Government in Australia and worked tirelessly for the community she represented.

In recognition of her service and achievements in Local Government, the scholarship was established for Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander Councillors and council staff across NSW to undertake further study, professional development or research.

The scholarship is administered by Local Government NSW (LGNSW), and the recipients are determined by four trustees.

Ms Stanley is Dubbo Regional Council’s Aboriginal Liaison Officer and successfully applied for the 2021 Councillor Pat Dixon Memorial Scholarship – one of two scholarship recipients this year.

Ms Stanley has been offered $5,000 via this year’s scholarship to contribute towards the costs associated in undertaking a Diploma of Aboriginal Studies at TAFE NSW.

In a letter to Acting Mayor Stephen Lawrence advising Council of the scholarship, LGNSW said the Trust were most impressed with Miss Stanley’s application, which demonstrated her awareness and strategies to achieve positive outcomes for her local community.

“I congratulate Kerryann on being a well-deserved and successful recipient of this prestigious scholarship,” said Acting Mayor Lawrence.

“It’s recognition from local government peers, that as a valuable member of Council staff, Kerryann is a recognised leader in her field and that an opportunity like this will only further her skills as a leader and professional in local government – well done.”

Dubbo Regional Council’s Chief Executive Officer, Dean Frost has also congratulated Kerryann on receiving the scholarship. 

“The tireless work of Councillor Pat Dixon lives on through this scholarship and I congratulate both worthy recipients for 2021,” he said.

“It’s fantastic the Dubbo Regional Council’s very own Kerryann Stanley joins an ever-growing list of much-valued and well-respected Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander Councillors and council staff from across NSW local government who have also been successful in receiving this scholarship.” 

Ms Stanley said she was both overjoyed and humbled to be a recipient of the scholarship and was very much looking forward to undertaking further studies.

“I was surprised and honoured to be awarded the Councillor Pat Dixon Memorial Scholarship for 2021,” she said.

“I applied for the scholarship with the desire to enhance my cultural education and bring it in line with the current day Aboriginal cultural education framework.

“Once I have completed my future studies, made possible due to the scholarship, I look forward to developing and implementing programs that appreciate Aboriginal culture, specifically our local Wiradjuri culture.

“My ambition is to design Aboriginal appreciation workshops to pass on my cultural knowledge and connections with the wider community, key stakeholders and Aboriginal communities that Dubbo Regional Council work closely with.

“My aim is to share knowledge, enhance Aboriginal awareness and understanding that will promote relationships and build strong prosperous cultural outcomes across the Dubbo region,” said Ms Stanley.

Councillor Lawrence said local government offered a wide choice of options for both employment and leadership within councils, and encouraged more civic involvement for indigenous Australians.

“LGNSW works with the NSW Office of Local Government to engage with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities to boost their representation as candidates in local government elections,” he said.

“I would encourage people seeking more information to please visit the Stand for your community page on the Collaborate NSW website.”

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