Tuesday, January 14, 2025

City of Coffs Harbour announces key appointments

City of Coffs Harbour Mayor, Nikki Williams, has hailed the appointment of local Councillors to a diverse range of committees as a “win-win” for the city. 

“I was so pleased that Councillors who expressed an interest in sitting on various committees could all be accommodated,” Mayor Williams said. 

“Each of these committees do important work, in some instances acting as an informed channel between the community and Council.” 

The committee appointments have taken place in two tranches, with the first round resolved on 25 October

A second suite of appointments were confirmed at Council’s last meeting of 2024, on 12 December. 

They are: 

  • Coastal and Estuary Management Advisory Committee: Crs Gurminder Saro and Cath Fowler;
  • Destination Coffs Coast Committee: Crs George Cecato and Cath Fowler; 
  • Disability Inclusion Advisory Committee: Cr Cath Fowler;
  • Positive Ageing Advisory Committee: Cr Julie Sechi;
  • Floodplain Risk Management Committee: Crs Les Oxford and George Cecato;
  • Sustainability Advisory Committee: Mayor Nikki Williams and Cr Jonathan Cassell; 
  • Yandaarra Aboriginal Advisory Committee: Mayor Nikki Williams and Cr Tony Judge; 
  • RFS Coffs Coast District Liaison Committee: Mayor Nikki Williams and Cr George Cecato; 
  • NSW Public Libraries Association: Cr Tony Judge and delegate authority to the General Manager to appoint a City of Coffs Harbour Officer as an alternate; and 
  • Solitary Islands Marine Park Advisory Committee: Cr Jonathan Cassell and delegate authority to the General Manager to appoint a City of Coffs Harbour Officer.  

“Service on these committees has the potential to deepen understanding of the issues in play, and to heighten awareness of various viewpoints,” said Council Acting General Manager, Andrew Beswick.

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