Monday, May 6, 2024

New Willoughby shared path unveiled

Willoughby City Council’s new shared pedestrian and bicycle path linking Broadcast Way near Pacific Highway with Herbert Street Artarmon has been opened, providing an attractive, safe and accessible environment for walkers and cyclists.

Running through Frederick Street, Reserve Road and Campbell Street, the 850-metre shared path was funded by the Department of Planning, Industry and Environment.

The $3.5 million in funding supports the delivery of three new bicycle projects in the area.

The five-month project saw the existing footpath upgraded to a wider shared path, changes to the intersections and the installation of signage and wayfinding.

“This new shared path will encourage walking and cycling in the Artarmon Industrial area and will support future growth within the St Leonards and Crows Nest precinct,” said Mayor, Gail Giles-Gidney.

“It is another step in improving our bicycle network, connecting people between home and work and encouraging more cycling by linking to public transport hubs.

“We are grateful to the NSW Government for partnering with us to improve walking and cycling connections, creating more sustainable transport choices. This is particularly important as housing density and employment increases across our city.”

The shared path plans were developed following extensive community consultation.

Minister for Planning and Public Spaces, Rob Stokes said the NSW Government’s funding commitment to the new cycleways and shared paths was part of the $100 million Precinct Support Scheme.

“Public spaces, cycleways and shared paths are incredibly important to the community and these new facilities will provide local residents, workers and visitors with better access to active transport,” Mr Stokes said.

“We are ensuring communities across Greater Sydney reap the benefits and enjoy new and improved open space and infrastructure as their communities grow.”

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