Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Yarra Ranges councillor moves to Upper House

Yarra Ranges Councillor Catherine Burnett-Wake has resigned from the organisation after being selected to fill a vacancy in the electorate of Eastern Victoria as part of the Legislative Council following the departure of Edward O’Donohue in September.

Council today thanked Ms Burnett-Wake (pictured) for her tireless work representing local communities.

“Since being elected to Yarra Ranges Council in October 2020, Cr Burnett-Wake has played a pivotal role in supporting residents of the Dandenongs following the devastating June 9 storm, advocating for more State Government support to assist residents and Council with the significant clean-up ahead,” Council said in a statement.

She was appointed as Council’s representative on the external committees of Burrinja, Eastern Alliance of Greenhouse Action and MAV Environment Advisory Group.

Ms Burnett-Wake said she was excited to take on her new role as Member for Eastern Victoria.

“This is an amazing opportunity to represent the Eastern Victoria region, which includes Yarra Ranges,” she said.

“While it will be sad to leave my role at Yarra Ranges Council, I am buoyed by the fact I will still continue representing the Yarra Ranges community, just from a different level of government.

“I would like to take this opportunity to thank my fellow councillors and Council staff for their support during my first term on Yarra Ranges Council, in particular CEO Tammi Rose, and Cr Fiona McAllister for her leadership and guidance during her term as Mayor,” she said.

Ms Burnett-Wake also thanked Streeton Ward residents for their generosity and support during her first year on Council.

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