Saturday, February 15, 2025

Townsville digs deep for community Christmas

More than $100,000 is being donated from the City of Townsville Mayor’s Christmas Appeal to community groups to help victims of domestic and family violence during the holiday period.

Ten community groups will receive the cash donations, including $20,000 for affordable housing provider, Yumba Meta.

Mayor, Jenny Hill (pictured, right) has thanked residents and businesses for their support for this year’s appeal.

“The money raised will go a long way to helping support families experiencing financial hardship due to domestic and family violence,” she said.

“Groups like Yumba-Meta, North Queensland Domestic Violence Resource Service (NQDVRS) and Family Emergency Accommodation Townsville (FEAT) will invest the money into keeping their operations running.

“The success of the appeal is a testament to the community’s commitment to fostering a caring and inclusive city.

“The outpouring of support reflects the compassion and spirit of giving that defines our community.”

Yumba-Meta CEO, Dushy Thangiah said she was thankful for the donation and said the money would go towards helping women and children leave violent households.

“The most dangerous time for someone in a domestic and family violence relationship is when they leave,” Ms Thangiah said.

“Yumba-Meta provides shelters for women and children to use so they safely escape.

“The money will be going towards purchasing and upgrading our shelters to make the spaces feel more comfortable and inviting.

“With the money we will buy new kitchen goods, outdoor furniture, outdoor gazebo for shade and arts and crafts resources.

“Donations like this help us to continue offering services to people in our community to reduce instances of domestic and family violence.”

Northreach Upper Ross community worker, Michael Stainbrook said the organisation would be using donations provided to directly benefit families this Christmas.

“Northreach appreciates the support from the Mayor’s Christmas Appeal,” Mr Stainbrook said.

“The kind donation of $1,200 will help to buy food for families in need this Christmas, who have been impacted by family and domestic violence.”

The Women’s Centre specialist homelessness service team leader, Sallie Kearnan said her team was touched by the generosity of the Townsville community.

“Christmas brings much joy to many families, however staff at The Women’s Centre witness the financial impact and emotional distress families experience this time of the year in our community.”

“With the funding received, The Women’s Centre will support women and children who have experienced domestic and family violence, to purchase food and gifts this Christmas, to provide financial support to secure or sustain tenancies, to access safe and appropriate accommodation, providing financial support to address outstanding utility accounts as well as return to school expenses,” she said.

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