Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Rockhampton fields 70+ water supply questions from public

Rockhampton Regional Council has today published answers to more than 70 different questions asked by Mount Morgan residents about the water supply to the town.

Rockhampton Region Mayor, Tony Williams said Council was making good on a commitment from the public meeting held last week.

“At that meeting we said we would get through everything we could, but that we would also make sure every question asked would be published and answered on our website, and in the next edition of The Argus which is out next week,” he said.

“The questions are about a whole range of things, from how the trucking is working right through to details about long term solutions.

“The next step will be to organise a feasibility study on a number of long term options, including things like a pipeline and a hydro pump scheme, and to see if there are any options we haven’t thought of yet.”

Water and Environmental Sustainability Councillor, Donna Kirkland said that residents would have access to drinking water throughout the process.

“All of the long term options are big undertakings that will require business cases, funding partners, and of course will take time to construct,” said Cr Kirkland.

“I want to reassure all Mount Morgan residents that we will keep trucking water up from Gracemere for as long as needed to make sure the community has access to safe drinking water,” she said.

“We know that as the dam levelled dropped there were issues with the odour and taste of the water, so that’s why we started trucking and we’ll continue to do so.”

Divisional Councillor, Cherie Rutherford said the community would be kept informed.

“We will provide updates on the feasibility study and on water trucking via our website and in The Argus. We will also write directly to all Mount Morgan residents about any major updates,” she said.

“We have published the video of the presentation and shared the answers on our site. Once the next edition of The Argus has come out we will be contacting those people who expressed an interest in attending a meeting – but were unable to come to the one last week due to the date change or because the numbers were capped – to see if they would still like to attend a duplicate meeting or if they’re happy with having access to the information via our website and The Argus.

“As always, residents can ring us on 4932 9000 if there’s something more specific they want to discuss.”

Click here for a video of the presentation and to see the questions and answers.

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