Sydney’s Georges River Council officially opened the revitalised MacMahon Street courtyard on Friday following upgrades to improve community access and amenity.
Works at the corner of Dora and MacMahon Streets in Hurstville focused on improvements to the site’s infrastructure, pedestrian access, traffic safety and the installation of additional seating and landscaping.
Mayor, Nick Katris said the upgrades formed part of the Hurstville Revitalisation Project, which aims to deliver quality open space for public use and innovative public domain improvements for the city.
“The transformation of public open spaces like the MacMahon Street courtyard helps to create a sense of belonging, improve cultural vibrancy, and promote happiness and wellbeing for the community,” Mayor Katris said.
“I welcome everyone to come and see the result, whether you’re looking for a quiet spot to enjoy your lunch or a gathering place to meet with friends.
“These upgrades provide an accessible place for people of all abilities and improves passive recreation opportunities, with an additional economic benefit for surrounding businesses. We hope an increase in visitor numbers to this part of Hurstville will provide a subsequent boost for local business owners and commercial trading.”
A statue of Australian literary figure and feminist, Miles Franklin, was temporarily removed from the site to facilitate the upgrades and will be reinstalled at a later date, with the plinth pointed towards the adjacent heritage Ritz Hotel.
The Hurstville Revitalisation Project’s other area of focus is the upgrade to Memorial Square which includes the installation of new paving, retaining walls, street furniture, landscaping and associated works to improve site aesthetics, usability, and visibility of the retained Memorial Cenotaph.
The project was partly funded through the NSW Department of Planning and Environment’s Public Spaces Legacy Program, with $4.75 million used to deliver the transformation of the MacMahon Street courtyard and Memorial Square.