Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Radiation warning for Upper Hunter water

Testing of drinking water from the Merriwa water supply groundwater bores has shown radiation levels are above the Australian Drinking Water Guidelines (ADWG) screening values, Upper Hunter Shire Council has revealed.

A result above the screening values does not mean the drinking water is unsafe, but means that further investigation is required, the Council said in a statement.

“In accordance with the ADWG, Upper Hunter Shire Council is undertaking further investigations. As a precaution, Council has moved to using the groundwater bores with the lowest radioactivity while the investigation is taking place,” Council said.

“Radioactive materials occur naturally in the environment and everyone is exposed to low levels of radiation. Some minerals that emit radiation can be present in drinking water and typically contribute a small amount to overall exposure to naturally occurring radiation. Naturally occurring radiation is more likely to be found in bore water. The radiation comes from naturally occuring sources including underground rock material that is in contact with the water.”

The Council is working with NSW Health and the Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and water on the issue. Further investigation is underway to assure the ongoing safety of the Merriwa drinking water supply, the Council said.

“The community will be informed of all developments as further information becomes available,” it said.

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