The Queensland Government has put out a call for organisations to lead regional arts service delivery across Queensland in the next phase of the Regional Arts Services Network (RASN).
Minister for the Arts, Leeanne Enoch said the evolution of RASN would position the network to harness the power of the arts to make a significant impact on regional communities, grow opportunities for artists and organisations, and drive strategic arts-led initiatives resulting in new investment and employment outcomes.
“This is an exciting opportunity for organisations with proven capability in regional development and a strong track record of collaboration, to super charge outcomes through this next stage of RASN,” Minister Enoch said.
“Providers are now sought for four Catchment areas across eight regions to broker, lead and support projects that enhance cultural vitality, create thriving communities and advance regional and social priorities.
“With the evolution of RASN, and in response to consultation, we will also procure one service provider to undertake state-wide co-ordination of RASN, and deliver Queensland’s touring service, arTour.
“This approach builds on the touring service’s successful delivery of high-quality arts experiences across regional and remote Queensland, supporting upskilling of the arts sector, brokering partnerships and creating new touring circuits.”
From 1 January 2022 to 30 June 2025, a total of $7.8 million will deliver RASN and arTour, including the recently announced $6 million commitment to continuing the network and growing regional arts delivery.
Minister Enoch said the investment would amplify the significant outcomes already achieved through RASN, including the creation of more than 1,100 new employment opportunities and the leveraging of almost $6 million in partnership investment in regional arts and cultural projects.
“RASN relied on strong and enduring partnerships with local councils, artists, organisations and communities to foster, facilitate and promote the sustainable growth of regional arts,” Minister Enoch said.
“A diverse range of programs and projects, identified by and for regional and First Nations artists, arts workers and communities has already been realized by RASN.
“These include Trailblazing the West, a project that is driving cultural tourism in Western Queensland, and the seeding of the development and strategic partnerships that created the new Woorabinda Arts and Cultural Centre in Central Queensland.”
Woorabinda Arts Centre Arts Centre Manager, Nickeema Williams said RASN had helped regional areas, local councils and organisations to start to think about more remote and regional access to arts and programming.
“It has paved the way and sparked the idea and drive for community and First Nations artists in our area to have a platform and a space.”
“Living regionally, we often struggle with infrastructure and programming, so RASN has really helped us feel valid and like we can do it! Having the business support and advice from RASN, the state coordination office, Arts Queensland and other art centres just validated that, and supported our growth.”
The EOI is open to Queensland based, sustainable organisations that have demonstrated capacity and ability to foster an arts network. The EOI closes on 18 October. Visit