Penrith City Council has brought home the Resource Recovery Award received at the Keep Australia Beautiful Sustainable Cities Awards.
Awarded for the ‘We give a FUD – FOGO in Multi Unit Dwellings Rollout’ project, the recognition reinforces Penrith’s leadership in resource recovery and responsible waste management, said Mayor, Todd Carney.
The Mayor said he loves seeing recognition of the incredible work being done in Penrith to make a positive impact on the environment and wellbeing of communities, now and into the future.
“This is something all our citizens should be proud of,” Mayor Carney said.
“Penrith’s initiatives to create a more connected, resilient, sustainable and liveable City, demonstrate our leadership in this space.
“With Penrith awarded last year’s Overall Sustainable City Champion, and hosting the awards this year, it was an opportunity for us to highlight the fantastic work that Penrith is doing by building connections within our community, and with business, government and industry.

“With the community embracing the Food Organics Garden Organics (FOGO) service to Multi Unit Dwellings, over 150 tonnes of FOGO material has been diverted from landfill for composting. This positions Penrith as one of the first NSW councils to offer separate collection of FOGO to all households in their LGA. A fantastic outcome for our residents.”
The Council was also a finalist in the Communication and Engagement award category for ‘Trees for Mum’ program, and in the Liveable Cities category for Penrith’s City Park.
Award sponsor, Red Energy, gave special mention to Penrith City Council being a customer using 100% renewable energy.
Mayor Carney said Penrith’s achievements were testament to the positive innovation, leadership and dedication to delivering the best environmental outcomes for our community.
“We take great pride in our sustainability initiatives, and I’m pleased that the hard work of our teams and the proactive uptake from our community continues to be recognised,” he said.
About the KABNSW Sustainable Cities Awards
Keep Australia Beautiful NSW Sustainable Cities Awards Program is a community and environmental awards program for metropolitan communities in NSW. The Sustainable Cities Awards inspire communities to make a genuine and lasting contribution to their area, with partnerships between local authorities, businesses, community groups, schools, and individuals.