Thursday, February 20, 2025

New metrics platform to unlock $2 trillion

It’s envisaged a new circular economy metrics platform launched today by NSW Circular will help councils, precincts, industry and communities track their transition to zero waste.

The dashboards, with consistently updated data, provide key performance indicators on the progress of the circular economy in Australia, how much waste we are generating, what types of waste, and where circular economy opportunities may be growing.

NSW Circular CEO Lisa McLean said: “The circular economy is a $2 trillion opportunity in Australia – these metrics will help government, councils, industry and all of us track how we are progressing to unlock new business opportunities, jobs and investment.”

“As we enter the resource and carbon-constrained economy, recycling, reusing and designing out waste will provide exciting new circular economic opportunities.

“These metrics will help identify areas where waste can be used as a resource, how new emerging circular industries and jobs can be measured and help us all get on with building a strong zero-waste, zero-carbon circular future.”  

The two new dashboards from NSW Circular launched today are:

  1. Australian Circularity Benchmarks: A new portal by NSW Circular where business, government and communities can track Australia’s progress to a circular economy.
  2. My Circular Community: Bespoke peer benchmarking reports and interactive metrics dashboards for local councils and their community to visualise key waste management and recycling metrics and trends to expand services and solutions. Councils and professionals who work with councils can work with NSW Circular to obtain a specific report for their local government area.

NSW Circular Chief Circular Economist Dr Kar Mei Tang said: “Measuring our progress towards a circular economy begins with knowing how we are tracking, both historically as well as against our peers.”

“We hope these metrics will be important tools for councils, government agencies, researchers and companies working to reduce waste and carbon emissions.”

Interested organisations should for more information.

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