MidCoast Council has been recognised in the Statewide Mutual Risk Management Excellence Awards, winning the Strategic / Enterprise Risk category.
“Council took out the award for its innovative Risk Management Roadmap that provides the commitment and risk management direction for our organisation at both a strategic and operational level,” said Council’s General Manager, Adrian Panuccio.
“The award is an endorsement of our best practice implementation of a single risk management vision and solution after the Council merger. I congratulate our Risk and Insurance team for their pursuit of excellence and hard work to achieve this well-deserved accolade.”
“I’m also very proud of the involvement of a large number of employees across the organisation, in committing to a risk management culture and in implementing this decentralised model for risk management.”
The roadmap encompasses the organisational arrangements, strategies and practical activities that Council will undertake to embed risk management across the organisation. The Roadmap also defines how Council will measure its success, identify opportunities for improvement and ensures that it delivers on desired outcomes.
It includes a risk management framework and policy, and an innovative risk management hub which sits on Council’s intranet, and provides employees across the organisation with easy access to tools, resources and procedural guidance for implementing risk assessments.
Council says the roadmap also ensures effective review and reporting systems for risk management. Risk reporting incorporates a dashboard style report card with analysis of key risks, giving management oversight of risk management across the organisation.
Mr Panuccio said an insurance toolkit is in the final stages of development and will provide guidance to staff in relation to ensuring appropriate insurances are in place, checked and reviewed as part of Council’s procurement processes and events management activities. The toolkit enhances the protection of Council’s insurable interests.
“The key benefits of effective risk management for Council, and our community, are that we are a more efficient organisation, with lower operating costs, better use of resources, less waste and more effective governance,” he said.