The winners of the NSW Local Government Week Awards will be announced this week in a special online awards event.
The NSW Local Government Week Awards recognise the outstanding and innovative contributions that councils make to their communities.
The popular awards ceremony has shifted to a digital setting to be held on Thursday 4 November from 11am-1pm due to COVID-19 lockdowns. Â
The best projects will be awarded in the following categories:
- The RH Dougherty Awards for innovation in communication and events;
- The Leo Kelly OAM Arts and Culture Awards;
- The LGNSW Planning Awards sponsored by the Department of Planning, Industry and Environment; and
- The Department of Communities and Justice (DCJ) Youth Week Awards
Event details:
Thursday 4 November
Online event
Members $88 Non-member $165
Join host Cr Linda Scott and MC Andrew Klein as they celebrate your colleagues and fellow peers.