Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Kiama council seeks feedback on trio of infrastructure projects


Kiama Municipal Council has released details of three community infrastructure projects for public feedback.

It is consulting on the development of master plans for the Kiama Sports Complex – also known as the ‘Quarry Sportsfields’ – South Werri Sports Reserve at Gerringong; and an upgrade of the Kiama Harbour jetty.

The development of master plans for the two sports ground locations has been funded by the by the Australian Government through the Local Roads and Community Infrastructure (LRCI) Program.

“Kiama Sports Complex was identified as part of Council’s recent Open Spaces and Recreation Strategy consultation as being in need of an update,” Council said in a statement.

“The South Werri Reserve has been previously identified by Council as an area that would benefit from masterplanning as one of Gerringong’s significant recreation and sports areas. Both spaces are well-used by the community and local sports teams.”

Council said it was “looking wholistically at both spaces to plan for their best use now and into the future”.

“The upgrades are likely to include upgrading the facilities and will ensure we continue to provide multi-use spaces for a range of sporting codes, community use and events such as school sports carnivals,” it said.

“We’re also asking for feedback on three concept plan designs to repair and replace the storm-damaged jetty at Kiama Harbour.”

The jetty has sustained considerable damage from storms and heavy seas and, with projected weather patterns showing similar conditions are likely to recur in future, Council says it needs a design that is more suited to the location.

Both projects are currently at design and consultation stage only.

“Once we have agreed concepts, Council will need to seek grant funding for the build and construction stages,” it said.

The public are invited to attend consultation sessions on these three projects on Tuesday 5 September:

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