Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Itchy bomb trees to get the flick

Victoria’s Moyne Shire Council has announced it will remove Nine Norfolk Island Hibiscus trees, more commonly known as itchy bomb trees, from Port Fairy’s Bank Street at the request of residents.

At the February Meeting of Council, a petition signed by 19 residents in the area was presented to councillors for consideration.

Mayor, Ian Smith said council officers have assessed the request and recommended the trees be removed.

“The petition put forward a position, we’ve looked at it, assessed it and have decided to go ahead with the removal,” Mayor Smith said.

“The main reason for the petition was health concerns from residents and council was presented with letters from medical professionals that highlighted the significant medical issues being experienced. The tree removal also has wide support from the property owners in the immediate area.

“Once the trees have been removed, engagement with the adjoining property owners will occur to identify the most appropriate replacement species in accordance with Councils Port Fairy Street Tree Management Policy.”

The petition relates to all the Norfolk Island Hibiscus trees between the Princes Highway and Villiers Street. All residents in the block support the removal of the trees, with the exception of one resident who wished to keep the tree in front of their property, but supported the removal of all others.

Between Villiers and College Street, there are two further Norfolk Island Hibiscus, these residents were also approached by the petitioner and they have also indicated that they would like their nature strip trees removed as well.

The Port Fairy Street Tree Management Plan, adopted by Council in 2014, recommended the systematic removal of the species as part of a staged street tree removal or where other factors necessitate their earlier removal.

The removal will be accommodated within existing budget allocations. Removal and replacement work is expected to cost between $10,000 and $15,000.

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