A Horsham Rural City Councillor has today issued a statement reflecting on her first year as an elected representative, saying council staff aren’t paid enough to cop the abuse dished out by disgruntled community members.
Councillor Penny Flynn said that at the beginning of her “council journey” she had acknowledged that she would not make everyone happy with the decisions of Council.
“There needs to be a shared understanding and compassion about where we all fit into the process, as we all have an important part to play in our community,” Cr Flynn said.
“It has been a pleasure to have some wonderful conversations and to receive phone calls from residents along with emails congratulating Council on all its works.
“I have enjoyed seeing families share in the joy of the funding announcement for the Nature Play Park. It’s also been great to see how much the accessible changerooms at the Aquatic Centre will mean to families.”
However, she said she was extremely disappointed by correspondence received from some community members.
“What I am extremely disappointed about is people who believe it is okay to speak or write the following to their elected representatives,” she said.
“You are self-servicing, you are on the nose, you are greedy, you are entitled, you are not doing a good job, you have been warned, you need to be sacked, the idiots you employ,” she cited as examples of such abuse.
“No one in society will ever be payed [sic] enough to cop this abuse.”
“Our nurses, teachers, childcare educators, pharmacists, those who work in customer service, Council staff and even elected representatives do not undertake a position or role to be threatened.
“So, as we all learn to live with Coronavirus we need to make a choice about what life will look like moving forward. Do you want to choose anger, or compassion? I am choosing kindness and appreciation.”
Prior to her role with the Council, Cr Flynn spent 16 years with GWMWater as a senior corporate resources officer and legal administrator. She is also a past president of the Rotary Club of Horsham East.