Thursday, February 20, 2025

Grants to educate Victorians on new four-bin system

Seventeen Victorian councils will share in more than $1 million in grants to deliver education and behaviour change campaigns to prepare residents for the transition to a four bin recycling service.

The recycling overhaul is part of the state’s plan to divert 80% waste from landfill by 2030.

“Educating our communities on these new household recycling services is essential for a successful transition. We want all Victorians to be accurately sorting their recycling, and to feel confident doing so,” said Minister for Energy, Environment and Climate Change, Lily D’Ambrosio.

“Our new household recycling services will maximise recycling capacity, create new jobs and help reduce the amount of waste going to landfill,” she said.

“Education campaigns like this will help Victoria reach its goal of diverting 80 per cent of waste from landfill.”

Victorians will soon be sorting their household waste and recycling into four streams –  all local government areas will transition to a new glass service by 2027 and a new food and garden organics service by 2030.

Local governments like Hobsons Bay City Council and Macedon Ranges Shire Council are leading the way in the roll-out, having already introduced new kerbside bins.

The Minister said the campaigns will ensure all Victorians have the tools to help them understand what is changing and what they need to do.

Sustainability Victoria is set to provide communication materials based on behaviour change theory and research, allowing councils to focus their funding on advertising and engaging residents.

All councils and alpine resort management boards are eligible for funding under the $6.03 million Recycling Victoria Household Education and Behaviour Change Fund. The next funding round will be announced in 2022, with two more rounds to follow.  

For more information on the Fund, including a list of councils who will receive funding, visit

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