Sunday, February 16, 2025

Flagship funding announced for Albany 2026

WA’s City of Albany Council has welcomed the announcement of a $5 million funding partnership with Lotterywest to deliver a flagship event program for Albany in 2026.

The Council is leading a process to appropriately mark 200 years since the arrival of Europeans to the place that is today known as Albany, and culturally known as Kinjarling or Kinncinnup.

Council says Lotterywest’s funding is the culmination of broad community consultation that informed the development of a Bicentenary Strategic Plan and identified community priorities for 2026.

Seven flagship events will creatively narrate Albany’s historical significance within Western Australia and the ancient history of the Menang-Noongar people through theatre, oral history, contemporary music, Menang-cultural programming, and a major sound and light installation.

Mayor of Albany Greg Socks said Albany was in a privileged position to lead Western Australia’s bicentenary commemorations and advance reconciliation by fostering a shared understanding and appreciation of Albany’s diverse heritage.

“Albany 2026 will restore the balance of place anniversaries by showcasing Menang-Noongar, migrant and environmental heritage alongside historical narratives, fostering reflection and commemoration,” he said.

“This will be a year-long program which does not mark a notional date or particular moment in history but allows space for the stories and histories of our whole community to be told.”

Albany MLA, Rebecca Stephens said Albany 2026 was a transformative opportunity uniting economy, culture, and creativity to forge a lasting regional legacy.

“It is an honour to support a project focused on sharing and safeguarding Western Australia’s diverse cultural legacy while promoting deep respect, recognition, and inclusion of Noongar heritage and culture,” she said.

“Albany 2026 aims to promote reconciliation and increase cultural understanding within the community by taking them on a year-long thematic journey that will include exciting national and international collaborations.”

Wagyl Kaip Southern Noongar Aboriginal Corporation is also partnering with the City of Albany in planning events for 2026 and will coordinate an Albany Cultural Committee to provide knowledge, insights and advice.

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