Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Fremantle looks for future home for history

City of Fremantle Council is investigating the options for a permanent location of the Fremantle History Centre.

As part of the process, the community is being asked to share its desires for the vital resource through a public engagement program.

The History Centre is currently located on the ground floor of the Walyalup Civic Centre, with space for some of the collection to be displayed, rotating exhibitions, community events and work areas.

Fremantle Deputy Mayor, Jenny Archibald, who is also Deputy Chair of the State Library of WA, said the records and objects that are housed in the City’s history collection are significant on many levels.

“The collection has been acknowledged as perhaps the most significant local government history collection in WA and this is particularly so because of the value its local community affords it,” Cr Archibald said.

The history collection includes photographs, biographies, newspapers, Council Minutes and Agendas, maps, plans and other publications.

The survey also seeks to find out what the community would like to see contained in the local history centre, how they would like to engage with the history collection, and how often they would like to use it.

“The collection provides ongoing reference material for researchers and locals who are keen to learn more about their local environment and its place in the broader history of Fremantle’s early years and since.”

“Understanding when their house was built, what was the thinking for town planning at that time, who lived there? All fascinating aspects to what makes up our community.

“It also provides our Council with information on the city’s history which informs our policies for future development. And into our future, collecting significant material as the city grows will only add more value to our already substantial history collection,” Cr Archibald said.

The City in the process of digitising its records, which its hoped will make the stories of the city even more accessible to everyone.

The public can express their views by attending information sessions in January or by completing a survey on the City’s My Say Freo website by Thursday 1 February 2024 at

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