Friday, February 14, 2025

City of Swan shines at IPWEA awards

WA’s City of Swan Council has been named as a finalist in five Institute of Public Works Engineering Australasia, Western Australian Division (IPWEA WA) Award categories.

IPWEA’s annual awards recognise excellence in innovation, development, construction, and management of public works projects.

For the fifth year in a row, the Council has a finalist for the Emerging Young Leader Award.

The City’s Asset Management Leadership Support, Mashallah Love (pictured), has been nominated for her leadership and contribution to the community within the public works field.

The Council’s use of sustainable asphalt as a recycled material is a finalist in both the Excellence in Environment and Sustainability category, and the Excellence in Innovation category.

Brockman Community Centre is up for the Best Metropolitan Public Works Project between $2 and $5 million, and the Swan Active Beechboro Family Changing Room is up for Best Metropolitan Public Works Project Under $2 million.

Council CEO, Stephen Cain said he was proud of the City’s achievements.

“To have two projects nominated for Best Public Works is a real credit to our team’s dedication to delivering outstanding facilities for our community,” he said.

“For our use of recycled materials to be recognised at this level is a testament to our ongoing commitment to creating sustainable practices within the City. 

“This is a reflection of the commitment our staff have to their community, and the outstanding professionals we have working at the City.” 

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