Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Changes proposed for Far North Qld civil engineering guidelines


Cairns Regional Council has this week endorsed proposed amendments for procedures relating to the civil engineering works undertaken in Far North Queensland.

The CairnsPlan 2016 Planning Scheme Policy FNQROC Regional Development Manual provides a comprehensive set of guidelines and specifications for carrying out various civil engineering works within the relevant local government areas.

Proposed amendments aim to provide clarity around application and construction procedures, include changes to sewerage system design, and additional information on water supply infrastructure and responsibilities.

The Far North Queensland Regional Organisation of Councils (FNQROC) represents 12 member Councils from Hinchinbrook to Cooktown, inclusive of Hope Vale.

“The amendments are required to ensure the manual continues to be functional and up to date and to provide a consistent set of standards to which all can refer,” Council said in a statement.

Public consultation on the proposed amendments to CairnsPlan 2016 Planning Scheme Policy FNQROC Development Manual will start on 12 August and end on 15 September.

During this time, two workshops will also be undertaken with the development industry to explain the changes, Council said.

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