Sunday, February 16, 2025

Benalla council proposes $11m capital works program

Mayor Danny Claridge.

Benalla Rural City Council is inviting community feedback on its proposed 2024/25 Budget, which includes an $11 million capital works program and average rate increase of 2.75%.

Mayor, Danny Claridge said that when developing the Budget, Council looked to balance cost-of-living challenges, the fallout from COVID-19, funding the delivery of services and infrastructure and Council’s long-term financial sustainability.

“Councillors have worked closely with staff over several months to develop a budget that is
financially responsible and that delivers quality services and infrastructure today and into the future,” Mayor Claridge said.

“The $11-million capital works program includes $2.1 million to road works, $600,000 to
repair rural bridges, $450,000 to undertake vital roof repairs at the Benalla Indoor Recreation Centre, $248,000 for footpaths, and $80,000 to install solar panels on Council buildings.

“$973,000 of drainage works will also be undertaken, including much needed improvements to two drains in Benalla, William Street North and The Culdesac.”

Mayor Claridge said the Council had recognised the financial pressures households were

“While waste charges have increased by five percent to help meet the increasing cost of
waste management, other fees and charges have increased by less than CPI,” he said.

“For example, fees for people to use the Benalla transfer station have not increased for 2024/25.

“In line with the Council Plan, the proposed 2024/25 Budget allocates significant funding to a range of important projects. These include funding to develop a masterplan for the Churchill Recreation Reserve and a Precinct Plan for the former Barkly Street campus of Benalla P-12 College.

“Allocations have also been made for the development of a much-needed Open Space strategy and a review of the Benalla Rural City Planning Scheme,” he said.

The Mayor has encouraged the community have their say on the plan.

“It is important that people have a good look at the budget and take the opportunity to tell us what they think,” he said.

The Council will consider the adoption of the 2024/25 Budget on 26 June.

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