The first meeting of Sunshine Coast Council’s Legacy Plan Community Reference Group was held last week in Caloundra, with planning for the Brisbane 2032 Olympic and Paralympic Games well underway.
Council established the group (pictured) last month with champion representatives from many areas including Olympians and Paralympians, First Nations, tourism, the community, disability, youth and education.
The group will provide community advice to council about local legacy outcomes and opportunities that should be pursued as part of the 2032 Games.
Mayor Mark Jamieson said he was pleased to see the first meeting kick-off.
“Our council is grateful to these members volunteering their time to ensure the community has a voice in the development our region’s 2032 legacy planning,” Mayor Jamieson said.
“The diversity in the group is exactly what we were hoping to achieve. We have people from all walks of life and from across the region, so I am confident this group is truly representative of our community.
“We already have some great insights into what our Brisbane 2032 legacy will aspire to achieve for the Sunshine Coast and I look forward to working with this group over the coming months to refine this vision.
“As we move through this process, we look forward to being able to engage with the wider community and give everyone an opportunity to provide their input into this important piece of work.
“Our council is committed to developing a legacy plan which is easily understood and owned by the entire Sunshine Coast.”
Sunshine Coast Legacy Plan Community Reference Group Chair, Dr Bridie Kean said it was exciting to be part of such an amazing group of locals in the same room, sharing ideas.
“The group bonded very quickly and the ideas on areas we should be focusing on for Brisbane 2032 were flying thick and fast,” Dr Kean said.
“The members of this group have their own special areas of interest.
“It was amazing to see how there were a number of common themes around the Sunshine Coast and what we want to see in the future and how the Brisbane 2032 Olympic and Paralympic Games can play a role in getting us there.”
The Sunshine Coast Legacy Plan Community Reference Group includes:
- Dr Bridie Kean (Chair)
- Mayor Mark Jamieson and Cr Maria Suarez (Sunshine Coast Council)
- Blake Cochrane (Olympians/Paralympians)
- Chris van der Pol (Environment and Sustainability)
- Stan Garland (Business and Industry)
- Matt Stoeckel (Tourism and Events)
- Michelle Phillips (Community)
- Skye Parker (Arts and Culture)
- Mark Henricks (Sport and Active Recreation)
- Lisa Edwards (People with a Disability)
- Dr Peter English (Education and Research)
- Brian Warner (Traditional Custodian)
- Ashley Robinson, Danny Salzke and Peter Saba (Sunshine Coast venue delivery partners)
- Emma Josey (Youth).
The group will meet regularly as the Sunshine Coast is a key delivery partner in the Brisbane 2032 Olympic and Paralympic Games and will host several sporting events including football, basketball, mountain biking, cycling and kiteboarding.
The Sunshine Coast will also host multiple days of road-based events (marathon and road cycling) during the 2032 Paralympic Games.
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