Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Adelaide Plains adopt $18m budget

Adelaide Plains Council has adopted its 2024/2025 Annual Business Plan and Budget at a Special Council Meeting.

Mayor, Mark Wasley says the budget focuses on achieving a balance between meeting the needs of a rapidly growing population and the increased costs faced by Council and ratepayers due to costs of living and inflation.

Council’s total operating revenue for the financial year will be $18.617 million, with
$14.946 million from rates and $3.671 million from other sources, including grants.

It has adopted an equal average general rates increase of 5.5% to all land use categories, which equates to an average general rates increase of 5.07% across the Council, inclusive of 3.74% growth in number of rateable properties.

“This year the Council Members have chosen an austere approach to the budget. The
comparatively low increase in rates and heavy reduction to employee costs does have a
flow on effect, namely impacts to service levels, some critical, and response times may
be noticeable to the general public,” said Mayor Wasley.

“Budgeted expenditure of $18.589 million focuses on operating expenses and $4.815
million on capital works that support the region’s enviable lifestyle, emerging economy
and remarkable landscapes.”

Key elements of the 2024/2025 capital works program include:

  • $4.245 million in asset renewals, covering 39km of road re-sheeting and 13km of
    road resealing, including roads in Korunye and Dublin;
  • $570,000 in new or upgraded assets;

The Mayor said that following community feedback, changes were made to the budget to find cost savings.

“These changes include the removal of some proposed operating projects, street tree planting and reduction of employee costs.”

“Tough financial times affect everyone and Councillors are acutely aware of this. The
budget has been carefully scrutinised, options explored and detailed consideration
given over months to achieve a reasonable budget.

“With a growing community, the expectations of services and amenities from Council is changing and we are adapting to those needs. Modern councils need to be agile and respond to changes in a changing world,” he said.

A summary of the 2024/2025 Annual Business Plan and Budget will be available to view
on Council’s website from Wednesday 14 August:

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