The Queensland Government has agreed to provide more than $2.3 million to local councils in the latest round of its Illegal Dumping Grants.
Environment Minister, Meaghan Scanlon said 21 local governments across the state will receive support.
“Illegal dumping isn’t just an eyesore, it’s harmful to our environment and costs local councils – and in turn ratepayers – a fair chunk of money to clean up,” Minister Scanlon said.
“That’s why we’re providing support to councils so they can purchase equipment and employ people to help stamp out this kind of activity.
“But importantly, we want to encourage Queenslanders to recycle, which is why we’re investing $1.1 billion to drive sustainability across the state
“That funding will help councils ramp up their recycling capabilities as well as support the industry investment and behaviour change across Queensland.”
In total, 21 local councils will share in funding totalling $2,351,733 under Round 2B of the Local Government Illegal Dumping Partnerships Program and will create more than 17 new full time jobs.
Councils include:
- Aurukun Shire Council
- Banana Shire Council
- Burke Shire Council
- Flinders Shire Council
- Goodiwindi Regional Council
- Gympie Regional Council
- Isaac Regional Council
- Livingstone Shire Council
- Mapoon Aboriginal Shire Council
- Maranoa Regional Council
- Mornington Shire Council
- Napranum Aboriginal Shire Council
- Noosa Shire Council
- Northern Peninsula Area Regional Council
- Paroo Shire Council
- Redland City Council
- Somerset Regional Council
- Southern Down Regional Council
- Torres Strait Island Regional Council
- Whitsunday Regional Council
- Woorabinda Aboriginal Shire Council.