Thursday, December 5, 2024

Yarra Ranges secure $300k for local reserve

Yarra Ranges Council has welcomed the Victorian Government’s announcement of up to $300,000 in grant funding to support Council’s plans to revitalise Belgrave South Recreation Reserve.

The project, called Belgrave South – Create, Protect, Love, will provide young people in the community with a place to meet and spend time, close to home.

When finished, the project will comprise a new youth space with hard court areas, skate-able elements as well as artwork and increased security including lighting.

Yarra Ranges Council Mayor, Jim Child said the project will deliver improved connections for people walking through the park – with paving and lighting for accessibility – and some added security at the netball clubrooms.

“Council are extremely excited to start this process and create a space that will benefit the community of Belgrave South,” he said.

“We know that young people need engaging spaces close to home.

“This project will utilise design principles which help make the environment safer, it will: Increase visibility and natural surveillance, improve access and sightlines, provide a new space that encourages social interaction, generate a stronger sense of ownership through empowerment of youth.”

Mayor Child said Council’s Youth Advisory Group will assist in consulting with young people from the area to help determine the final design of the skate park, mural, and gazebo.

“It’s heartening to see teams at Council take the approach of nothing about us, without us and apply it to projects – if a space is being made for young people, getting them involved is one of the best ways we can make sure we’ve got it right,” he said.

“The end result of that is a space that young people will be keen to use, and one that helps them build pride in their community.

“Most vitally, I hope that when this is finished, it will be a space that every young person in our community is excited to come to and becomes a space where they can spend time with friends, grow their skills and make their life in the hills the best it can be.”

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