Western Downs Regional Council is promoting the importance of buying local, with a recent roadshow showcasing the various procurement opportunities available to a range of local businesses.
A total 65 businesses attended the procurement roadshow on 11 and 12 August, where they learned about the various procurement opportunities available across several departments at Council.
Council Spokesperson for Finance, Corporate Services and Business Strategy, Councillor Ian Rasmussen said the Procurement Roadshow was well received by businesses across a range of industries.
“The Roadshow was a great success in enabling businesses to communicate with different heads of departments and hear how their business can be a part of Council’s future projects,” Cr Rasmussen said
“Council is committed to supporting our local businesses by actively living and buying local, we have a great deal of projects coming up and it was fantastic to see so many businesses interested in learning more about the process and opportunities.
“We have an abundance of local business people who make our region so great and are enthusiastic about continuing to grow and contribute to the economic sustainability of the region.

Golden West Joinery Sales Representative, Glenn Robertson said the roadshow was a great event for local businesses as they were able to engage with Council and learn firsthand about procurement opportunities.
“Attending this event really helps our business grow in terms of seeing what services and products we can offer Council by hearing of future projects,” Mr Robertson said.
“It is very important for Council to hold events like this in order to show local businesses that Council wants to engage and support local.
“It was inspiring to hear about all the procurement opportunities available to the local business for future.”
For more information contact Council on 1300 268 624 (COUNCIL) or visit www.wdrc.qld.gov.au