Saturday, February 15, 2025

Townsville urges switch to e-rates

Townsville City Council is urging ratepayers to go paperless and sign up to receive their half-yearly rates notices in their inbox instead of their mailbox ahead of the next round of rates later this month.

Council Business Services and Finance Committee chairperson, Margie Ryder said it made sense for ratepayers to switch to eNotices.

“Anyone who is signed up to get their rates notice electronically will receive them in their inbox the same day they are issued,” Cr Ryder said.

“It is not only faster than standard mail but also more reliable. Notices sent via standard mail can sometimes take a few days after the notice was issued to hit letterboxes, leaving less time to pay within the discount period.

“There is also an environmental benefit to receiving electronic notices. It reduces our carbon footprint through savings on paper, ink and fuel needed to get the paper notices mailed to homes.”

Cr Ryder said getting ratepayers signed up to receive eNotices also benefited the Council.

“The more people we get signed up to receive electronic notices, the more we can save on the costs to print and distribute notices,” she said.

“There are more than 84,000 rateable properties in the Townsville region, and the cost to send out paper notices to each house quickly adds up.”

Ratepayers wanting to receive this year’s half-yearly rates electronically will need to sign up to eNotices by 21 January ahead of the release of the first half-yearly rates notices.

For more information on how to sign up to receive eNotices, go to eNotices.

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