Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Townsville tied to White Ribbon program

Queensland’s Townsville City Council has successfully completed the White Ribbon Australia Workplace Accreditation Program.

The program involves a commitment from Council to address issues of gendered based violence and sexual harassment, both at Council and in the wider community.

Council’s Chief Executive Officer, Prins Ralston said the achievement was a major milestone for the organisation.

“Council is proud to have achieved White Ribbon Australia workplace accreditation, which will help us play our part in responding to and ending all forms of gendered based violence,” Dr Ralston said.

“Having accreditation means Council and its staff members are better equipped to understand what gendered based violence is, how to identify it, and the steps that can be taken to prevent it.

“Gender-based violence is a serious issue across Australia, and it’s no different here in Townsville. Council is standing up, speaking out and condemning all forms of domestic and family abuse in our community.”

Dr Ralston said Council was proud to deliver an inclusive and safe working environment for all staff members.

“Safety is our number one priority at Townsville City Council and working to achieve White Ribbon Australia workplace accreditation has helped reinforce our organisation’s culture,” he said.

“As one of Townsville’s largest employers, this is extremely important to our organisation and I am hopeful of the flow-on effect this will have from our employees into the wider community.”

White Ribbon Australia Executive Director, Brad Chilcott congratulated Townsville City Council for joining the more than 240 Australian workplaces to have achieved accreditation.

“Violence against women impacts on the health and safety of employees, their wellbeing and their productivity,” Mr Chilcott said.

“We urge all Australian workplaces to take the lead of Townsville City council and demonstrate a culture of zero tolerance of gendered based violence.”

White Ribbon Australia is a part of a global social movement working to eliminate gendered based violence, striving for an Australian society where all people are safe, including in our workplaces.

The White Ribbon Australia Workplace Accreditation Program is internationally recognised and to date has reached more than 600,000 employees nationally.

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