Friday, January 17, 2025

Toowoomba quarry site rehabilitation a step closer

The rehabilitation of Toowoomba’s former Bridge Street Quarry has moved another step closer this month with Council commencing geotechnical investigations at the site.

To prepare it for future development and use as a public facility, Infrastructure Committee Chair, Councillor Carol Taylor said it was important to undertake the initial site investigations.

“This site has been identified as a future tourism landmark with potential for both public and private investment,” she said.

“We’re keen to prepare the site and make it safe for this future development.

“To do this, Council is undertaking geological and geotechnical investigations over the entire site. This will include below and above all the cut faces. Initially the focus will be on material and geological testing on the upper side of the cut face that runs parallel to Prince Henry Drive.

“The geotechnical investigations have just commenced and will continue for the next few months.

“To allow access for machinery and testing equipment, and for the safety of pedestrians, portions of the footpath that runs parallel to Prince Henry Drive may be temporarily closed from time to time.”

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