Friday, February 7, 2025

Tender awarded for Mackay water upgrade

Mackay Regional Council is moving ahead with plans to improve Koumala’s potable water supply.

A tender for design and construction of the new Koumala Water Treatment Plant has been awarded to Clean Teq Water Pty Ltd.

The $2million Koumala Water Quality Upgrade is a joint initiative of Council and the Queensland Government, with the government chipping in $800,000 from the Local Government Grants and Subsidies Program.

Mayor Greg Williamson said the new water treatment plant would help reduce the hardness of the town’s water supply.

“Data shows that while Koumala treated water is of acceptable quality from a health perspective, the water is higher in hardness than is ideal,” he said.

“Council will be installing a water softening unit using an innovative weak acid treatment process that will offer ongoing operational savings over a conventional ion exchange treatment process.”

The project will be carried out in two stages.

Stage one will be the design of the treatment plant and stage two will be construction.

Construction is expected to start mid this year and be completed before the end of the year, weather permitting.

The Koumala Water Treatment Plant will be located at the western corner of Water Tower Road, adjacent to the Gordon Morrison Sports Ground.

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