Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Stadium expansion to push ahead despite Fed Govt snub

Despite the recent announcement that the Federal Government will not contribute $20 million towards the $68 million Sunshine Coast Stadium expansion, Sunshine Coast Council says it will continue work on the project in the hope that the funding becomes available in the future.

“Whilst we are obviously disappointed by the Federal Government’s decision, we will continue to work with their representatives to convince them of the need for this project, the strong local support it enjoys and to secure the required $20 million,” said Sunshine Coast Council Mayor, Mark Jamieson.

He said an important part of the preparatory work was obtaining planning approval for the Stadium Expansion project.

In January 2021, council submitted the development application to the Queensland Government via the Ministerial Infrastructure Designation (MID) process and the government today started the required 20-business day community consultation period.

The MID application process means council does not assess its own development application. 

The MID process is commonly used for community infrastructure such as schools, hospitals and sporting clubs.

“While the project cannot now proceed on its original timeline, submitting the development application to the Queensland Government was an important step towards having the project ready to proceed in the future, if and when Federal Government funding is secured,” said Mayor Jamieson.

“Ultimately, an expanded Sunshine Coast Stadium will help to address a missing piece of economic and community infrastructure for a region of our size and its projected growth.

“As a stimulus project, the Sunshine Coast Stadium expansion ticks all the boxes. More than 300 jobs would be created during construction and over $25 million in ongoing annual economic benefits for the region.”

Project details:

The MID application proposes an expansion of the Sunshine Coast Stadium to a venue seating capacity to 11,618 with a total capacity of 16,618 via:

  • construction of a new eastern grandstand that will seat just over 8000 spectators and include food and beverage outlets and amenities; 
  • expansion of the existing western grandstand to seat 3533 spectators and add improved facilities for athletes and officials, multi-purpose community spaces, improved first aid facilities, improved amenities and an enhanced hospitality and function offering;
  • southern and northern mounds will remain to accommodate around 5000 spectators.

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