Sunday, January 26, 2025

Speed limit safety review released

The Joint Standing Committee on Road Safety (Staysafe) has released its final report into speed limits and road safety in regional NSW.

LGNSW and the Roads and Transport Directorate (RTD) developed a joint submission with a focus on the important role played by local councils as road managers and the need for State Government funding to maintain and improve road infrastructure for the safety of road users.

LGNSW says it is pleasing to see that many of the recommendations it made have been included in the Staysafe Committee’s report, which makes 15 recommendations and four findings.

“The Committee has heard LGNSW and the RTD’s call for a quicker turnaround on speed zone reviews by councils, with a recommendation for a response time of no more than four months,” LGNSW said in a statement.

“The Committee agrees with LGNSW and the RTD that a default speed limit off 100km/h on regional roads may not be conducive to the road infrastructure conditions and that variable speed limits or the use of dual signs to reflect the conditions should be investigated by Transport for NSW (TfNSW).

“This was further emphasised in the recommendation to undertake public campaigns and education for drivers on regional roads to drive to the conditions of the road and not the speed limit.”

LGNSW thanked the councils that contributed to the joint submission by LGNSW and the Roads and Transport Directorate.

Read the report here.

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