Sunday, January 26, 2025

Second award for City of Stonnington

The City of Stonnington has received a second award for a proposed redevelopment of the Mount Street area in Prahran.

In June, Council and Glas Urban (design consultant) were named the 2021 Australian Institute of Landscape Architects (Victoria) award winners in the Urban Design category.

City of Stonnington Mayor, Kate Hely said it was extremely pleasing to receive industry recognition for the community’s vision for the Mount Street area.

“For a number of years now, we have closely worked with the community to develop a plan for the Mount Street area that is socially engaging and environmentally progressive,” Mayor Hely said. 

“The project includes an amazing east-west pedestrian connection and the creation of open space, which will provide wonderful new surroundings for residents, those who work in the area and visitors to it.

The Mayor said an in-depth analysis of the physical and social characteristics of the existing precinct guided the formation of four design themes in the Mount Street Area Masterplan.

“These themes directed the design goals for the pocket parks and shared streets, to ensure the new open spaces embrace the Mount Street area’s atmosphere and the needs of current and future users,” she said.

“Anchor Place, Clifton Street, Mount Street and Regent Street will have sections converted to shared zones, making pedestrian safety and movement a priority.

“Featuring a ‘catwalk’ path as the main conduit connecting the pocket parks from Anchor Park through to Bangs Street Park; it’s envisioned that a slow, walking connection will encourage social walking and greater appreciation of the sights and sounds in the local area.

“The new pocket parks will provide an opportunity to relax, socialise and get in touch with nature. In addition, each space has been designed to cater for different activities, based on the unique character of the location.”

The concept design for the Mount Street Area Masterplan was endorsed in February 2021 and the project is now in detailed design. Construction on two of the pocket parks is scheduled to begin in 2022.

City of Stonnington received grants from the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning to undertake initial development of the project.

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