Sunday, December 22, 2024

Port Pirie ignites LED project

Port Pirie Regional Council is set to replace more than 2,000 old and inefficient street lights as part of a works project with SA Power Networks.

The Council is responsible for all public lighting on local roads and the responsibility for lighting on the main road network (arterial roads) is shared with the Department of Infrastructure and Transport (DIT).

Council, in partnership with SA Power Networks and their subsidiary company Enerven will replace the 2,000+ street lights with new LED lighting.

The project is scheduled to commence in the second week of October and is expected to be completed by the end of November.

“Old technology street lamps will be replaced with lower energy LED lights,” Council said in a statement.

“Enerven will progressively replace older lights on residential streets with appropriate LEDs across the city.

“There are also larger lights classified as ‘Vehicular (V) road lights’ that are used on major roads, intersections and at traffic control devices (such as roundabouts and speed humps).”

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