Wingecarribee Shire Council is inviting businesses across the Southern Highlands to take part in an online ‘Business Community Resilience Toolkit Program’ designed to help better prepare them for future disruptions and disasters.
Council General Manager, Lisa Miscamble said the free course would help local businesses develop contingency plans and build support networks.
“Registered businesses will be sent an online module every fortnight for the next year,” she said.
“While the tools are provided in the program, it’s the business community that will bring the toolkit to life by connecting, participating and sharing experiences and learnings.”
Businesses can choose to receive the interactive content via email or text. Participants will then be issued with more detailed topics to explore based on the answers provided.
The Business Community Resilience Toolkit Program is being delivered across 12 Local Government Areas in Southern NSW by corporate2community.
Funding for the program has been secured through the joint-funded NSW and Commonwealth Government’s Bushfire Community Recovery and Resilience Fund (BCRRF).
“The Business Community Resilience Toolkit Program aims to build resilience amongst participants and help businesses back on their feet as quickly as possible following a major disruption,” Ms Miscamble added.
“I encourage all Highlands-based operators to register for this free program and help future-proof their business.”
For more information on the Business Community Resilience Toolkit Program visit
To register visit