Murrumbidgee Council Mayor, Ruth McRae, has invited local schools, community groups and individuals to take up the challenge to showcase reused and recyclable materials with the LGA’s ‘Waste to Art’ competition.
Mayor McRae said Waste to Art was an innovative way of giving a new life to materials that would otherwise have been thrown away, recycled or considered useless.
“It’s a very inclusive competition that absolutely any age can enter. We have categories for preschool/primary school, high school/community and an open category for professional artists,” she said.
“This year’s theme of “Love your own backyard” can either be used to describe the source of the artwork’s materials or to depict a scene from a backyard. The term ‘backyard’ loosely describes our environment, whether it be our own yard, the river, the park and so on.
“We are very excited to see the entries that come in because it really is quite extraordinary how creative people are.”
To showcase the works, Council will host an exhibition in each town in the LGA, with a gala opening night scheduled in Coleambally for Wednesday 21 June.
Waste to Art coincides with the Council-wide introduction of organic waste collection and a recycling service for Jerilderie from July this year.
Entries close at 12 noon on Friday 16 June. More information is available on Council’s website.