Sunday, January 19, 2025

Newcastle calls on community help for coastal plan

City of Newcastle Council has invited interested community members to join a working group to help with the development of the City’s Coastal Management Programs.

It said the group will help shape plans to enhance Newcastle’s dynamic and constantly changing coastal environment.

A Coastal Management Program (CMP) is a long-term strategy that sets a coordinated and adaptive approach to the management of coastal hazards such as beach erosion, shoreline recession and coastal inundation.

“We’re looking for a broad group of people who are already engaged with our beaches and coastline to help to develop ways to ensure we enjoy these natural assets for years to come,” City of Newcastle Deputy Lord Mayor, Declan Clausen (pictured) said.

“Our coastline is loved by many people and in many ways and it forms a significant part of Newcastle’s identity as a liveable and sustainable global city.

“Newcastle is fortunate to boast some of the best beaches in the world and a spectacular coastline that provides countless benefits to both our local economy and our way of life.

“Our coastal management programs include long-term actions to help ensure we can manage these important areas, particularly in light of a predicted increase in coastal hazards.

“The objective of the Newcastle CMP Working Group is to provide strategic guidance on the preparation, certification and the review of Newcastle and Stockton Coastal Management Programs which are underway.

The first meeting of the Newcastle CMP Working Group will be held next month.

The formation of the working group follows the Love Our Coast Survey, which explored what the community values most about the city’s beaches and coastline.

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