Tuesday, February 18, 2025

New solar partnership for Willoughby Council

Sydney’s Willoughby Council has signed an agreement with a leading North Shore solar power company that encourages local residents to convert their homes to solar power.

The Council’s Our Green City Plan  aims to help increase the uptake of solar power in the local Government area, with a goal to double rooftop capacity by 2023.

Council says the new program will provide residents with value for money quality solar products and will be rolled out by Willoughby as part of the partnership.

As part of the initiative, residents in the area can either purchase or install a solar power system, a home battery energy storage system, or both.

“Rooftop solar power is part of a range of strategies that we are using to help our community reduce emissions by 30 percent by 2028,” said Willoughby Mayor, Gail Giles-Gidney.

It is expected that the ‘bulk buy’ solar power scheme is estimated to accelerate the rate of uptake of rooftop solar by 10% across the Willoughby City Council area.

“Impact modelling provided to us by an emissions reduction consultant showed there was great benefit to a community bulk-buy scheme,” the Mayor said.

“The scheme’s development is a great example of community groups working in partnerships with the Council to benefit the Willoughby community as a whole.”

The new pricing will be on offer until 31 December 2021. For more information visit willoughby.nsw.gov.au/Solar-Bulk-Buy

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