Monday, February 10, 2025

New Mayor for East Gippsland

Eagle Point Councillor, Tom Crook, has been elected Mayor of East Gippsland Shire Council.

First elected in 2020, Councillor Crook is serving his third year on the Council.

Councillor Jane Greacen OAM was elected Deputy Mayor.

The new Mayor said he was both humbled and excited to have been elected to the role, and pledged to work for “a better economy, a better environment, a better community, and a better place for us all to live.

“We need to be open, accountable and transparent – as Mayor that’s the task I set for myself,” Mayor Crook said.

“I believe strongly in evidence-based decision-making, in acting with integrity, and doing the best we can.”

Referencing Council’s vision statement, the new Mayor said, “Together we can make East Gippsland an inclusive and innovative community that values our environment, puts people and communities at the centre of Council decision-making, and creates the conditions in which our communities can thrive.”

He says he has a keen focus on creating a sustainable future for the Shire through renewable energy, improved land management and tourism.

“We live in challenging times and we face many adversities, but with any challenge comes opportunity and I think here in East Gippsland we are well placed to grasp these opportunities and grasp the opportunities they present for our people, economy and environment.”

Councillor Greacen, a retired GP from Bairnsdale, reiterated her commitment to “healthy community and healthy country.”

Councillor Mark Reeves and Arthur Allen were thanked for their service as Mayor and Deputy Mayor, respectively, after each served two years in the roles.

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