Saturday, July 27, 2024

Moonee Valley dials up ‘MobileMuster’ win

The City of Moonee Valley has been named the top collector among Victorian local governments in the annual MobileMuster for the 2023-24 financial year.

Through the Council’s transfer station in Aberfeldie and collection boxes at various council facilities including the Civic Centre, Moonee Valley residents managed to rustle up a whopping 228 kilograms of miscellaneous mobile matter.

Now in its 25th year, MobileMuster is a recycling program run by the Australian Mobile Telecommunications Association (AMTA), the telecommunications sector’s peak body.

During this latest campaign, AMTA received collections from 21 Victorian councils, and 193 nationally. It also collects from dozens of other organisations in an effort to keep mobile phones and their components out of landfill. From councils alone, more than 6,000 kilograms of mobile phones have been collected during this year’s program.

All phones and phone parts collected are sent on to an international organisation, SK tes, which sorts the materials into constituent parts and ensure they go back into the industry.

In recognition of Moonee Valley’s mobile mustering muscle, representatives from the City of Moonee Valley Council, including Mayor, Pierce Tyson, will be presented with a trophy and certificate from AMTA at the Australian Local Government Association conference in Canberra in July.

Mayor Tyson said he was proud to see Moonee Valley at the top of Victorian local government’s mobile phone recyclers.

“With many of our existing programs, such as Let’s Go Zero and our FOGO garden and food waste recycling system, we already work hard to reduce our carbon footprint.”

“With this MobileMuster accolade, I’m happy to say we’ve absolutely ‘dialled up’ our efforts,” he said.

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