Monday, February 10, 2025

Minnamurra bike track opens

Kiama Council has completed the new Minnamurra Bike Skills Track just in time for the NSW school holidays.

Mayor Mark Honey said the Bike Skills Track, at the former Sanctuary Place Quarry, provided the Kiama community with its own facility for the popular sport.

“Council has received numerous requests for a bike skills track in recent years, and it is great to be able to have it up and running,” Mayor Honey said.

“This new track complements our many other bike and skating facilities and infrastructure throughout the municipality.”

He said the Bike Skills Track was suitable for BMX and mountain bikes and featured two downhill tracks, with senior and junior courses, as well as a balance skills course.

Council has also provided picnic shelters, park benches, amenities and a carpark as part of the project.

“The track design was finalised by bike track specialists Dirtz Track, which has built more than 120 mountain bike, pumptrack and BMX facilities in Australia and overseas,” the Mayor said.

The 250 metres of track was constructed by Council workers who used more than 2,000 tonnes of clean soil sourced from other construction sites.

“Our community was also involved in construction with Minnamurra Lions Club repairing existing picnic shelters and building the timber balance skills section,” said Mayor Honey.

“Our recent surveys showed strong support in our community for projects that deliver sporting facilities, especially those that cater to young people.

“Thanks to our strong working relationship with our State and Federal local members, we have a new facility that helps meet that need.” 

Federal Member for Gilmore, Fiona Phillips said she was happy to support the community project with $150,000 from the Australian Government’s Local Roads and Community Infrastructure Program.

“Bike tracks are a great way for our young people to exercise and have fun in the community,” Ms Phillips said.

“Thank you to the Kiama Council workers that constructed this, and the Minnamurra Lions Club for their volunteer work.”  

Member for Kiama, Gareth Ward said he was pleased to see the new track officially opened in time for the school holidays.

“I was very pleased to help secure $50,000 funding from the NSW Government for this fantastic project, which will make a real and lasting difference in our local community,” Mr Ward said.

“It will provide a great resource particularly for our local young people and encourage them to be fit and healthy.”

“I would also like to acknowledge the Australian Government’s contribution and the hard work and dedication of Kiama Council staff and the Minnamurra Lions Club.”

The Minnamurra Bike Skills Track is open 8am to 5pm, seven days a week. Riders must wear a helmet and appropriate safety gear when using the track.

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