Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Melbourne puts brakes on CBD scooters

Hire e-scooters have been banned from Melbourne’s CBD after City of Melbourne Councillors voted to tear up contracts with e-mobility operators, Lime and Neuron, following a vote this week.

Lord Mayor, Nicholas Reece moved an alternative motion at Tuesday night’s Future Melbourne Committee meeting to cancel the contracts, citing safety concerns. In passing the motion by 6 to 4 votes, the Council gave operators 30 days to remove around 1,500 e-scooters from the city centre.

“The current contracts have six months to go, but we cannot wait six months…We need a fundamental reset,” said the Lord Mayor.

Safety was highlighted as the major concern in the Council decision, with local hospital representatives speaking before Council about the dangers of e-scooters.

“We have an opportunity here with this pause to lead the nation in e-scooter safety and an opportunity to make them a safe and sustainable part of our future,” Royal Melbourne Hospital ER Dr Sarah Whitelaw told Councillors.

She said the hospital currently treats between 30 to 40 patients a month who have been involved in e-scooter crashes.

E-scooters were introduced to the city as part of a two-year trial across the Melbourne, Yarra, and Port Phillip Council areas.

Private e-scooters will still be permitted in the Melbourne CBD.

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